Ahoy all.
long time watcher o’ flowsaber. Before gen 1 was developed.
i have flowed wi’ ultrasabres for many year’s mainly with a double staff but trained wi’ a rapier in my school/college days.
I have been a pirate living history reenacter for many years and still love to design and construct costumes for various themes. Past costumes include…Honest fisherman…….
darth maul…24th of foot ( think Zulu film)….death…predator…steam punk automaton…..and many more.
I have been awaiting the development of gen 2 for years and quite frankly….cannot wait t’ see the improvements from gen 1…..
hope I have not bored ye all wi’ me ramblings…….and yes, I do write in ’pirate speak’…..it’s something that has unfortunately stuck after 25 years o’ playing a ‘honest fisherman’ ;)
maul……in the woods..lol


very cool, welcome cap'n badger! :) definitely recommend joining our discord group aswell, its very active despite only being a few weeks old! :)