"We want to give a HUGE thanks to our amazing community who helped fund our first successful Kickstarter campaign and made this amazing project happen! We look forward to continuing to support and serve this amazing community!"
- Conner
Founder and designer of Flowsaber

"I picked mine up from the Post Office today. Charging battery while writing this. First impression: O M G THIS THING IS INCREDIBLE!!!!! I LOVE the weight. I've never spun a saber before (other than my Darth Vader replica saber) but the Flowsaber feels great in my Hands. I was instantly able to do basic spins without any problem and I instantly felt one with the Saber. Cannot wait to seriously train myself using Flowsaber." - Backer #50

"This thing is amazing!! I can't believe how good it feels and how well constructed it is. It even looks incredible in the daylight.. All things considered, this is one badass prop and I am over the moon. Great work, team. You should be very proud of yourselves. Can I buy another one soon?"
- Backer #20

"The finish looks and feel great and the weight of the pommel is very substantial. It's definitely got a much different feel than any other saber I've had. Definitely going to need a lot of practice and a taller ceiling to get good at any of the intermediate or advanced moves. I can see the potential with the balance that this saber has. Nice job guys, you've turned all the rest of my sabers into wall decorations to collect dust while I'm playing with my Flowsaber from now on!" - Backer #57
"It's probably the most unique saber I've ever seen in my life even compared to the most expensive custom sabers." - Backer #49